I’ve now reached a turning point in my web dev course. This morning I started writing code on my first meaty project, YelpCamp.

As the name implies the YelpCamp project is Yelp but for campsites. The idea isn’t to release this as a service that people will actually use. The intent is to combine what I’ve learnt from the past few months and use these skills to make a cohesive project that could be released.

I’m quite excited to have finally reached this point. As much as I’ve enjoyed developing specific skills, the parts of the course I’ve enjoyed so far is the work with a visible output. I have a feeling YelpCamp will be a big learning experience and something I’ll likely look back on as a reference in any future developments I do. A library of learnings if you will.

As with other parts of the course I intend to share my progress and code here as a form of public note-taking. I’ll create a specific public GitHub repo so you can follow along and see how the code changes over time. I expect this part of the course will likely take me about 6-8 weeks and will make up the vast majority of posts here over that time. Exciting!



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