Tag: beginner tips

  • Ternary! ☘️

    Ternary! ☘️

    If you find yourself with a conditional in the form on an if else, there’s a more concise way of writing it. Say hello to a ternary. Take this code: Simple enough, but using a ternary we can do even better: So how’s this thing structured? Basically, we start with the item we are checking…

  • MongoDB and macOS Catalina

    Like a good Apple nerd, I updated to the latest version of macOS Catalina. If you’re using older 32bit apps Catalina won’t run them. Thankfully, I wasn’t in that position, so I didn’t anticipate any issues. So young so innocent. As it turns out another chance in Catalina does affect my normal workflow. The change…

  • Coding on a plane… on an iPad

    Coding on a plane… on an iPad

    The project In my ongoing efforts to up my development game, I’m currently working on learning how to create an app that has user authentication. Adding authentication to the web app is completely new to me and as always, I’m time constrained. So, when I found myself in a plane on the runway for over…

  • Traversing folders

    Traversing folders

    I always manage to forget the syntax for traversing folders. So for the recorded, this is how it’s done: / means drop back to the root folder then traverse from there. For example <img src=”/assets/images/banana.jpg” alt=”banana”> the images folder is at the root level ./ means start at the current working directory. In this example, <img src=”./images/banana.jpg” alt=”banana”> the…

  • RESTful Routes

    RESTful Routes

    What are REST, Routes, CRUD? Representation State Transfer or REST is a pattern/convention for defining our routes. Routes are the code that listens and receives requests then figures out what to send back. CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. These are the 4 basic functions we have when building an API. So why…

  • Installing MongoDB on macOS

    Installing MongoDB on macOS

    The course I’m doing uses Cloud 9 (C9) as cloud-based IDE. I’ve basically ignored that side of things and done everything locally on my Mac as that feels more real world to me. Turns out this was a good decision as C9 has recently announced it’s shutting down. Anyway, at times this has made things…

  • YelpCamp


    I’ve now reached a turning point in my web dev course. This morning I started writing code on my first meaty project, YelpCamp. As the name implies the YelpCamp project is Yelp but for campsites. The idea isn’t to release this as a service that people will actually use. The intent is to combine what…

  • JSON


    I’ve worked with JSON data before when I was learning Swift and iOS development. At the time I didn’t really know much of JavaScript or its object syntax. Back then, I made my version of a weather app call “Clima“. That app pulled down weather information based on your current location using JSON data from…

  • Express snippets

    Express snippets

    Since I’m playing with Express at the moment I’ve updated my collection of snippets to include a few things I seem to be doing regularly: Express setup I use the shortcut “myExpressSetup” to kick off all my new Express projects. It has basically all the parts I need to get the project underway, and means…