The more time I spend coding the more time I find myself researching solutions to workflow problems I’ve never had before. Copy and paste is a good example of this.

Sharpening my coding skills I find myself copying and pasting a lot more than normal. Maybe a better way to say it is coping and pasting in specific ways a lot more. For example, when I’m writing CSS I tend to copy and paste a small set of different colour codes over and over. Another example would be copying lists of items from a document one at a time to populate a list in an HTML document.

I had never considered that there might be a better way of doing these things until I stumbled on Pastebot. Pastebot is like copying and pasting on steroids. At a basic level, it keeps a history of everything you copy and paste. Even this simple function makes it incredibly useful when coding. Need to paste that colour code you copied 30 mins ago? Bam there it is in your clipboard history.

Once you’ve got used to having clipboard history you’ll never go back to your old ways. As a developer though that’s not even the best part. Where Pastebot really shines is its filters. Want to copy of a list of items then paste them as an HTML list? Want to copy some text and pasted it wrapped it in <p> tags? Pastebot can take care of all of that for you.

Do yourself a favour and at the very least investigate a clipboard manager, and if you’re on a Mac make sure you try Pastebot. It really is worth your time.



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