Category: Tools

  • Coding on a plane… on an iPad

    Coding on a plane… on an iPad

    The project In my ongoing efforts to up my development game, I’m currently working on learning how to create an app that has user authentication. Adding authentication to the web app is completely new to me and as always, I’m time constrained. So, when I found myself in a plane on the runway for over…

  • Installing MongoDB on macOS

    Installing MongoDB on macOS

    The course I’m doing uses Cloud 9 (C9) as cloud-based IDE. I’ve basically ignored that side of things and done everything locally on my Mac as that feels more real world to me. Turns out this was a good decision as C9 has recently announced it’s shutting down. Anyway, at times this has made things…

  • Pastebot


    The more time I spend coding the more time I find myself researching solutions to workflow problems I’ve never had before. Copy and paste is a good example of this. Sharpening my coding skills I find myself copying and pasting a lot more than normal. Maybe a better way to say it is coping and…

  • on() click()

    on() click()

    Today I learned the difference between the on(“click”) and click() methods in jQuery. click() only adds listeners for existing elements, so it will completely ignore any dynamically added items. So, in the example below only the <li> declared in the HTML file will be clickable. All of the new <li> elements added to the to-do…

  • VS Code

    VS Code

    Recent reading leads me to think my text editor of choice (Atom) might not be the best solution for my current needs. To that end, I’m downloading VS Code just to see what all the fuss is about. The number one thing I keep hearing about VS Code is its performance. I’ve always found this…

  • What is the state of JavaScript?

    What is the state of JavaScript?

    This JavaScript thing is really catching on eh? As the name suggests, “the state of JavaScript” survey gives a snapshot view of JavaScript development. What everyone (over 20,000 developers anyway) is using and enjoying or otherwise. It also gives a general sense of the direction things are going in. As with the StackOverflow survey, I found…

  • Atom snippets

    Atom snippets

    One of the things I love about modern text editors is code snippets. Coding tends to involve repetition, code snippets can really help cut down on needless typing. I group all my code snippets by prefixing them with “my”. That way to view all my snippets I just start typing “my” and Atom shows all…

  • Survey says

    Survey says

    Today I was reading the 2018 stack overflow developer survey and boy was it an interesting read. There are loads of insights into the current state of software development. For example, JavaScript continues to grow in dominance. If you’re working on the web and you’re not learning JavaScript you need to start yesterday. It’s been…