I’ve worked with JSON data before when I was learning Swift and iOS development. At the time I didn’t really know much of JavaScript or its object syntax. Back then, I made my version of a weather app callClima“. That app pulled down weather information based on your current location using JSON data from a third party API.

Having worked with JavaScript for the past few months JSON seems a lot more obvious now. This morning I made a simple IMDB like web app pulling data from http://omdbapi.com/. I still don’t know how to deploying these node.js apps to a server somewhere. As soon as I do, I’ll update posts like this linking to my work.

It’s amazing to me how easy it is to get something quite functional up and running with node.js. A few NPM packages, access to a reliable source of data from a third-party API and you’re away.

Even finding details on APIs for anything is easy thanks to services like https://www.programmableweb.com/. It’s just a giant directory of anything and everything you might want to know about publicly available APIs.

Learning all this kind of makes me feel like I’m discovering coding superpowers. It’s so easy it feels like cheating.



