So I made another thing. The only reason I’m really even talking about it is because what’s going on in Christchurch is so awful I can hardly bear it. Making new things (even simple things like this) is a good distraction.
So in an effort to cheer myself up I made a web thing that says Aroha (and basically anything else I choose) as many times as I ask it to. I did this in node.js, which I’ve never used before, so this is a good learning experience. I have no idea how to deploy anything in node yet, but once I learn I’ll put it up somewhere.
Obviously this is not something I expect to be used in anyway, but learning new things always puts my mind in a good place. It makes me think about the good things in life like change, growth and the new. Something we all need to be thinking more about, especially in dark times. I’m certainly not a perfect person, but I try hard to be a better one every day. We owe that to ourselves, we owe it to each other.

If you’re interested in this very random project, check it out on GitHub. If you feel like escaping for a bit then you’re welcome to add to it, or create your own, or help someone else to create one. Just remember to be kind to one another.