Recent reading leads me to think my text editor of choice (Atom) might not be the best solution for my current needs. To that end, I’m downloading VS Code just to see what all the fuss is about.

The number one thing I keep hearing about VS Code is its performance. I’ve always found this to be quite a curious thing. Perhaps it’s just I haven’t done any meaningful coding in a while but I’ve always found development to be about 5% typing and 95% staring into the void. This might change as I work on bigger projects but for now, this is my view.

So given performance is a bit of a moot point (at least at this stage) for me I want to focus on other features of VS Code. This really is about two different things:

  1. Out of the box features, I can’t get in Atom. Stuff like IntelliSense and debugging features
  2. Recreating features I have set up in Atom like code beautifying, settings sync, Emmet, and code snippets and see if there’s any nuance

I suspect this will be a journey, but then again that really is the point. With a bit of luck, I’ll either reaffirm my choices with Atom or find a new favourite in VS Code. Another possibility is I just don’t have the development maturity yet to benefit from what VS Code offers, but I guess we will soon see.

Do you use VS Code or Atom? Is there anything you think I should keep my eye’s open for?



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