• What is the state of JavaScript?

    What is the state of JavaScript?

    This JavaScript thing is really catching on eh? As the name suggests, “the state of JavaScript” survey gives a snapshot view of JavaScript development. What everyone (over 20,000 developers anyway) is using and enjoying or otherwise. It also gives a general sense of…

  • Pigs in namespaaaace

    Pigs in namespaaaace

    When you’re working on a JavaScript (JS) app you’ll create loads of functions and variables. By default in JS, there is no namespacing so everything you declare is effectively in the global namespace. This can lead to issues where two or more…

  • Atom snippets

    Atom snippets

    One of the things I love about modern text editors is code snippets. Coding tends to involve repetition, code snippets can really help cut down on needless typing. I group all my code snippets by prefixing them with “my”. That way to…

  • Selection


    One thing I notice about jQuery is how it simplifies common tasks. A good example is something you do all the time with JavaScript, select DOM elements. In JavaScript selecting all li elements would look something like this: The same selection using…

  • Survey says

    Survey says

    Today I was reading the 2018 stack overflow developer survey and boy was it an interesting read. There are loads of insights into the current state of software development. For example, JavaScript continues to grow in dominance. If you’re working on the…

  • Emmet!


    Whatever your text editor of choice (I just can’t quit you Atom) there is a wide range of plugins to enhance its capabilities. One such plugin that I use constantly is Emmet. Emmet can be used for a number of things, but…

  • Hex


    Just a quick post to say I’ve updated the colour game with a new mode, Hex colours. To enable different modes I’ve changed a little bit of the UI. So the difficulty is now a dropdown making room for a matching mode…

  • jQuery


    What is jQuery? jQuery is a JavaScript library designed to simplify front end web development. It is the most widely deployed JavaScript library by an insanely large margin. Why use jQuery There are quite a few reasons you’d want to use jQuery,…

  • Halfwa​​y


    Just now I’ve put the finishing touches on “The Great RGB Colour Game” thereby passing the halfway point of my web dev bootcamp. You can take a look at the code on GitHub. So far the course has covered HTML, CSS, Bootstrap…