Tag: training
Coding on a plane… on an iPad
The project In my ongoing efforts to up my development game, I’m currently working on learning how to create an app that has user authentication. Adding authentication to the web app is completely new to me and as always, I’m time constrained. So, when I found myself in a plane on the runway for over…
Github Learning Lab🔬
I’ve been using GitHub for a while now as part of my spelunking into the world of VR and Mobile development. I think it’s fair to say it’s done a great job of protecting me from the inevitable mistakes of learning something new. Having said that, it does take a while to get your head…
How to: Setup CocoaPods in Xcode
Hey, guess what? I’m learning iOS development and have been for months! Thought I might increase my rate of publishing to my blog if I did what I did for my VR course and posted study related stuff here. So to that end… Here’s a simple step by step guide for adding CocoaPods to your iOS…
Udacity VR Nano degree retrospective ⏳
When I started my Udacity VR Nano degree I knew I was in for a challenge. Now that I’ve successfully completed my final assignment I thought I’d share some lessons learnt. So in no particular order:
Done: Night at the museum ☑️
I’ve been AFK for a while (holiday) so I just wanted to post the details of the final version of “night at the museum” I finished a few weeks ago that I delivered as part of my Udacity VR course. The project went well (in that I passed) but I have to admit it was…