Category: Geekpulp
Ternary! ☘️
If you find yourself with a conditional in the form on an if else, there’s a more concise way of writing it. Say hello to a ternary. Take this code: Simple enough, but using a ternary we can do even better: So how’s this thing structured? Basically, we start with the item we are checking…
Mutation === 💩
One of the many things I’ve picked up from the excellent Syntax podcast over the years is mutation should be avoided. Today a came across a great example of this with the reverse array method. I had some code that looked something like this: To my surprise the resulting output of the console logging was…
Protecting myself from myself 🔒
Being the lone developer on a personal project makes it really easy to do sloppy things. For example, doing undisciplined things with my git repo, like just working in the master branch (I really need to change that to main) and pushing commits directly to it. It’s much better practice to create a branch for…
Taking the month off
After I completed the full stack web dev boot camp (see my final project code) I decided to give myself a month off studying software development to explore a few other interests. I’d always kicked around the idea of doing some electronics, so I had a hunt around for some little starter projects to up…
Sponsor me!
Did you know you can sponsor my study and contributions to open source projects? If I had my way that’s how I’d spend all my professionally time, but a dude’s got to eat right?! Any funds raised will go directly towards covering costs of study and/or contributions to the open web. The best part is…
MongoDB and macOS Catalina
Like a good Apple nerd, I updated to the latest version of macOS Catalina. If you’re using older 32bit apps Catalina won’t run them. Thankfully, I wasn’t in that position, so I didn’t anticipate any issues. So young so innocent. As it turns out another chance in Catalina does affect my normal workflow. The change…
What is the state of JavaScript?
This JavaScript thing is really catching on eh? As the name suggests, “the state of JavaScript” survey gives a snapshot view of JavaScript development. What everyone (over 20,000 developers anyway) is using and enjoying or otherwise. It also gives a general sense of the direction things are going in. As with the StackOverflow survey, I found…
What is jQuery? jQuery is a JavaScript library designed to simplify front end web development. It is the most widely deployed JavaScript library by an insanely large margin. Why use jQuery There are quite a few reasons you’d want to use jQuery, or a library like it, in your project rather than vanilla JavaScript. Here…
More on issues
The more you understand an issue the better equipped you’ll be to solve it. When I was creating issues in GitHub for Score Keeper, something about the process felt a bit lacking. A developer needs specific details and the system wasn’t working to deliver them. Even the issues I’d submitted lacked the detail for someone…