Author: Glen Young
How much time should I spend a day learning to code?
This is the question I asked myself when I first started learning (well relearning really) to code a while back. Obviously I Googled this and found some really interesting answers, but generally speaking, the common wisdom is about 4 hours a day. I call bullshit on this. In my experience (and your mileage may vary)…
I made a thing: Aroha generator
So I made another thing. The only reason I’m really even talking about it is because what’s going on in Christchurch is so awful I can hardly bear it. Making new things (even simple things like this) is a good distraction. So in an effort to cheer myself up I made a web thing that…
Constantly letting down my variables
As it turns out I’ve been doing everything wrong. Well, maybe not everything, but at the very least I’ve been declaring variables incorrectly. There are actually three different variable types in JavaScript, var, let, and const. I’ve been using var exclusively and it’s actually bad practice. So what’s the difference between each and which should…
Getting into a flow state is super helpful when you’re trying to get some coding done. Whenever I’m working on a course exercise or side project I find a few things in my daily routine really help focus my mind: Keeping my desk tidy – It seems silly but a cluttered desk is a cluttered…
How to write modern JS
So you’re learning JavaScript (JS), cool. Putting all this effort in, you’ll want to be learning the modern usage of the language right? Time to get strict. “use strict” is something I recently stumbled across, and it seems like a really important thing to be using. So much so that I’m a bit surprised it…
I made a thing: To-do list
Yep, I made another thing in JavaScript for the course I’m doing. This one’s a bit more basic, but really it’s more of cutting my teeth with jQuery sort of project rather than something anyone would actually use. It’s a very simple todo list app that lets you add and remove items from a simple…
The more time I spend coding the more time I find myself researching solutions to workflow problems I’ve never had before. Copy and paste is a good example of this. Sharpening my coding skills I find myself copying and pasting a lot more than normal. Maybe a better way to say it is coping and…
on() click()
Today I learned the difference between the on(“click”) and click() methods in jQuery. click() only adds listeners for existing elements, so it will completely ignore any dynamically added items. So, in the example below only the <li> declared in the HTML file will be clickable. All of the new <li> elements added to the to-do…
VS Code
Recent reading leads me to think my text editor of choice (Atom) might not be the best solution for my current needs. To that end, I’m downloading VS Code just to see what all the fuss is about. The number one thing I keep hearing about VS Code is its performance. I’ve always found this…