Tag: open-source
NPM and a Demon
So learning node.js has been really interesting so far, I’m quite taken by it. It’s great being able to transfer my JavaScript skills from frontend to backend. One of the things I’m enjoying most about it is NPM. By their own definition: NPM is the world’s largest software registry. Open source developers from every continent…
Maintaining an open-source project
This morning I read a short article on the maintainer of GitHub desktop, William Shepherd. For some reason, I kept seeing the article everywhere so eventually I surrendered to it. The post had a number of good points but the highlight for me was the advice to anyone maintaining an open-source project: Have a clear…
Learning from a 579-year-old printing press
Gutenberg is the name of WordPress’ new editor and like its namesake, the Gutenberg printing press, I think it’s going to be a big deal. Recently I’ve been committing real time to upskill in web development. I wanted to go way outside my comfort zone as an opportunity to grow. So contributing to an open-source…