Tag: github
Coding on a plane… on an iPad
The project In my ongoing efforts to up my development game, I’m currently working on learning how to create an app that has user authentication. Adding authentication to the web app is completely new to me and as always, I’m time constrained. So, when I found myself in a plane on the runway for over…
Maintaining an open-source project
This morning I read a short article on the maintainer of GitHub desktop, William Shepherd. For some reason, I kept seeing the article everywhere so eventually I surrendered to it. The post had a number of good points but the highlight for me was the advice to anyone maintaining an open-source project: Have a clear…
Commitment issues
You’ve been spending plenty of time together. You’ve had your ups and downs. As time’s gone on you’ve realised you like the way things are going and it’s time to commit. Writing effective, communicative commit messages can make the world of difference to other members of your team. Just as with code comments or clear…
GitHub flow
I’ve recently been attempting to contribute to some open-source GitHub projects with varying degrees of success. One thing that’s extremely useful to do before you start contributing is to develop a basic understanding of the standard GitHub workflow. It’s not especially complicated but it can be a real faff if you don’t do it correctly…
Keynote countdown timer ⏲
I made a thing! I was helping a friend with a Keynote presentation deck. One of the tricker parts was that it needed an automatic 30 min on-screen timer to tick down. I’m something of a Keynote wizard, but I hadn’t made a timer before, but I happened upon this great tutorial on how to…
Github Learning Lab🔬
I’ve been using GitHub for a while now as part of my spelunking into the world of VR and Mobile development. I think it’s fair to say it’s done a great job of protecting me from the inevitable mistakes of learning something new. Having said that, it does take a while to get your head…