Category: Udacity
How much time should I spend a day learning to code?
This is the question I asked myself when I first started learning (well relearning really) to code a while back. Obviously I Googled this and found some really interesting answers, but generally speaking, the common wisdom is about 4 hours a day. I call bullshit on this. In my experience (and your mileage may vary)…
Udacity VR Nano degree retrospective ⏳
When I started my Udacity VR Nano degree I knew I was in for a challenge. Now that I’ve successfully completed my final assignment I thought I’d share some lessons learnt. So in no particular order:
Done: Night at the museum ☑️
I’ve been AFK for a while (holiday) so I just wanted to post the details of the final version of “night at the museum” I finished a few weeks ago that I delivered as part of my Udacity VR course. The project went well (in that I passed) but I have to admit it was…
Optimising C# scripts in Unity 🏎
The more I create C# scripts in Unity the more I learn about optimising those scripts. With code there are 100s of ways to solve a problem, not all of them efficient, so learning to check your codes performance seems like a must. Things to look for So far I’ve come across a few simple…
Adding spatial audio in VR 🎧
Part of my Night at the Museum project is adding audio descriptions to the objects on display. To do this in Unity I’m making use of the spatial audio capabilities of the Google Cardboard SDK. As with most things in Unity, there’s a fairly reasoned logic to how this is done. You need three main…
More progress 👨💻
Managed to get everything to compile to the phone again. Also, I can move about the place now 🙂 The big issue was around the legacy Google Cardboard SDK junking up the project. Completely deleting all SDK related files, old and new, then reinstalling the new was the quickest solution. Once that was done, recreating…
Getting back on track 🔧
So that thing I broke, it’s getting fixed. Little by little, day by day. So far I’ve managed to get: VR working properly again (at least I think I have) select objects again the FPS back over 60 Unfortunately I still can’t compile to my phone but hopefully, the weekend sorts that. It’s funny how…
Project: Night at the Museum 🏛
I’m working on a project for my studies with Udacity. The goal is to create a VR experience that demonstrates my research into a VR company. I’ll do a series of posts on this as I progress along the path to completion. To start here’s my first crack at the initial documentation for the project:…
VR: Reshaping industries 🤔
As a bit of a thought experiment, I’m taking a look at an industry and imagine a VR app might reshaping it. Given my family’s always been in the construction industry (flooring), I thought it might be interesting to look into a segment of that market; medium to large scale commercial building construction. To that…