Category: Dev
Just now I’ve put the finishing touches on “The Great RGB Colour Game” thereby passing the halfway point of my web dev bootcamp. You can take a look at the code on GitHub. So far the course has covered HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 3 and 4, and my personal favourite so far, JavaScript. JavaScript really seems…
RGB Colour Game UI update
Tonight I got a bit of time to work on a new version of RGB colour game. This time I focused mostly on UI improvements so the game looks a little nicer than the first release. I’m particularly fond of the subtle CSS transition when you click on an incorrect colour. Little touches like this…
Maintaining an open-source project
This morning I read a short article on the maintainer of GitHub desktop, William Shepherd. For some reason, I kept seeing the article everywhere so eventually I surrendered to it. The post had a number of good points but the highlight for me was the advice to anyone maintaining an open-source project: Have a clear…
I made a thing – Colour Game
I made another thing in JavaScript as part of the course I’m doing. This time it’s a simple colour picker game. The code is still very rough but the app is effectivly working. If you want to see it in action you can play the current version. The idea of the game is the player…
Commitment issues
You’ve been spending plenty of time together. You’ve had your ups and downs. As time’s gone on you’ve realised you like the way things are going and it’s time to commit. Writing effective, communicative commit messages can make the world of difference to other members of your team. Just as with code comments or clear…
Every team needs a beauty routine
Over the years everyone will develop their own beauty routines when it comes to their individual coding. While it’s easy to become attached to how you like to format your code, in a team environment it’s really important to share the mirror with teammates. Having an agreed set of standards on how the code will…
We’ve all got issues
Since I’ve been learning JavaScript I’ve been making an effort to do things as if I was working with others. The idea being that any project of meaning is very likely a collaborative one. To my mind understanding how to effectively work with others on a coding project is as important as the coding itself.…
I made a thing – Score keeper
I’ve been doing a web development course for a few months and today I made my first thing that actually does something. Nothing amazing mind you, but it’s a start. Do you ever have the need to keep score in a best 2 out of 3 kind of way? Me neither, but here’s a web…
Learning from a 579-year-old printing press
Gutenberg is the name of WordPress’ new editor and like its namesake, the Gutenberg printing press, I think it’s going to be a big deal. Recently I’ve been committing real time to upskill in web development. I wanted to go way outside my comfort zone as an opportunity to grow. So contributing to an open-source…